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Second Grade


The Second Grade International Baccalaureate Program of Inquiry

The work of our curriculum revolves around the six transdisciplinary themes and their corresponding central ideas:

1. Decicions we make influence our health.

2. Weather affects our lives.

3. Cultures express themselves through the arts.

4. Force and Motion impact society.

5. All citizens make choices and set goals.

6. Grow, grow, grow your plants.  Plants are a part of all habitats. 

Second Grade Curriculum

Reading/Language Arts In Second Grade our curriculum integrates reading, writing, spelling, handwriting, and speaking. We use the Scott Foresman "Reading Streets" reading series. Second Graders enjoy learning to read and write more fluently. They are excited to learn cursive writing the second half of the year! We have implemented a "Book-a Night" program. The children take a book home to read each Monday-Thursday night. Thanks to the Scandia Enrichment Endowment Fund we have many high quality books in our program. As part of the district's reading program, we are encouraging independent reading.  The research is clear, children learn to read by reading actual books!

Mathematics Houghton Mifflin Series, "Math Expressions" is a conceptually oriented and activity-based curriculum. Children are encouraged to explore, develop, test, discuss and apply ideas throughout the year. In Forest Lake Area Schools we believe that a balanced mathematics program includes understanding, computing, applying, reasoning and engaging students in the mathematical learning experience.

Social Studies Our Social Studies book contains themes related to people and places. They include the themes of Then and Now, The Environment, and Global Awareness. Included in this area are performance packages such as Personal History, Communities, Traditions, and making a map.

Science and Health Science and Health units include nutrition, plant life cycle, balance and motion, matter and air, and weather. Art We use smART lessons throughout the year. The main concepts taught are the primary and secondary colors, movement, line, sausage people and critiquing paintings.

Technology  The children enjoy integrating technology into their daily learning through the use of iPads and the SMART board.

Media, Music, Physical Education We have a media time once a week where students receive a lesson from the media specialist and have time for a book browse. Music is twice a week with a music specialist.  Students attend physical education classes twice a week.