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Media Curriculum - Kindergarten through Grade Six
All students in the school come to the media center at least once a week for skill lessons and literature appreciation activities with the media specialist. The media curriculum is designed to help students become independent users of the library, to develop their research skills, to help them learn to evaluate information found in print and on the Internet, and to help them develop a love of reading and good literature. The more students read, the better they become at reading, comprehension, spelling, grammar and all other communication skills. We encourage students to develop life-long reading habits by promoting many special activities which are held throughout the year.

Grade-by-Grade Curriculum

Kindergarten In kindergarten we focus on : First Grade
First graders review kindergarten skills and focus on : Second Grade
Second graders review first grade skills and focus on : Third Grade
Third graders review second grade skills and focus on : Fourth Grade
Fourth graders review third grade skills and focus on : Fifth Grade
Fifth graders review fourth grade skills and focus on : Sixth Grade
Sixth graders review fifth grade skills and focus on :

  • book care and responsibility
  • literature appreciation
  • learning about authors and illustrators
  • getting to know the media staff and how to ask for help
  • learning how to check out a book
  • literature appreciation
  • the parts of a book - title, author, illustrator, cover, spine, call number label
  • arrangement of books in alphabetical order by the author's last name
  • book care and responsibility
  • elements of a story - setting, character, problem, solution
  • finding a book they like and finding a book they can read
  • the Caldecott Award, given for the best picture book of the year
  • literature appreciation
  • fiction and nonfiction - how to recognize them, what is the same and what is different about them, when would you read fiction or nonfiction
  • parts of a book - title page, copyright date, dedication, contents
  • using call numbers to locate books on their own
  • learning how to use the computer online catalog to locate information about titles, authors, and subjects
  • using the information from the computer online catalog to locate books on the shelves in all areas of the media center - everybody, fiction, and nonfiction
  • learning that the Dewey Decimal system helps them find nonfiction books on subjects that interest them
  • beginning reference tools - dictionaries and encyclopedias, guide words, alphabetical order
  • folk and fairy tales
  • beginning reference tools - dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauruses
  • doing a major research project by choosing a country and looking in various sources for information, then creating a product to show their new knowledge
  • expanding computer online catalog skills
  • parts of a book - index, table of contents, appendix, glossary, bibliography
  • copyright and computer ethics
  • using research tools - biographical and geographical dictionary, atlases, almanacs, encyclopedias. Students use both print and online sources.
  • biography and autobiography
  • larning how the Dewey Decimal system works
  • copyright and computer ethics
  • refining reference tools skills and research skills - biographical and geographical dictionaries, atlases, almanacs, Facts about the Presidents, encyclopedias - both print and online
  • refining computer online catalog skills - learning about Boolean logic - "and, or, not" search terms, power searching
  • Internet search techniques and evaluation of internet sites
  • copyright and computer ethics