The Kindergarten International Baccalaureate Program of Inquiry
The work of our curriculum revolves around the six transdisciplinary themes and their corresponding central ideas: 1. What Do You Want? - Personal needs and wants are satisfied by goods and services.
2. Me on a Map - Maps help us find our place in the world
3. Everyone Celebrates - Celebrations have unique properties that have similarities and differences.
4. Look Outside! - Seasons influence our choices and activities.
5. School's In! - Schools function more effectively when rules and routines are shared.
6. Is It Alive? - Living and non-living things interact to create communities. Kindergarten curriculum
READING Reading instruction starts at the beginning of the school year and concentrates on letter recognition and beginning sounds. We use Scott Foresman "Reading Streets" reading materials. Some children come to school with little awareness of sounds and letters. Others are beginning readers.
In kindergarten, your child's language skills will probably grow by leaps and bounds. He/she will be telling stories, listening to stories and poems, talking about experiences and playing word games. Your child will begin to use longer, more involved sentences and new words.
Your child will be introduced to many ways mathematics is used in everyday living. He/She will learn about identifying shapes, patterning and comparing objects. He/She will also learn to write and identify numbers and group objects by quantity. These activities pave the way for your child's first experiences with adding and subtracting.
Your child will be encouraged to enjoy singing and learning rhythms. Songs are incorporated into all of the curriculum areas throughout the day.
Kindergarten Social Studies revolves around a child's sense of identity and everyday experiences. Children will discuss themselves and their families, learn about their communities, transportation, farms, communication, weather and seasons.
Your child will learn about the world of science, primarily through activities and personal experience. Key areas are weather, matter, living and non-living things.
Art activities allow your child to be creative, express ideas and learn to control small muscles. Through many of the art activites we work on identifying colors, listening and following directions, and cutting and pasting.
Your child will participate in simple exercises, play organized games and discover different ways the body can move.
Good health habits are emphasized.