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First Grade



The First Grade International Baccalaureate Program of Inquiry

The work of our curriculum revolves around the six transdisciplinary themes and their corresponding central ideas: 

1. I Like Me! - We are unique individuals with our own beliefs, values and responsibilities.

2. Far and Away! - Journeys create opportunities for people to experience change.

3. Picture Perfect! - People share stories in different ways. 

4. Survivor! - Survival in diverse environments requires adaptation.

5. Tool Time! - The tools we use help us gather information and investigate.

6. We're All in This Together! - Cooperation is necessary for peaceful societies. 

First Grade Curriculum

Communications Communications include reading and written language. Scott Foresman "Reading Streets" is our current program. The children develop sight vocabulary, phonemic awareness, and reading strategies. We read in a variety of settings: whole/small groups, paired, independent silent reading. Daily writing practice is important to reinforce spelling and sentence structure development. In addition, the children enjoy creative writing, and develop classroom books and stories.

Math The learning of math in first grade is an enjoyable experience in which students use a wealth of materials. Children explore sorting and classifying, patterns, geometry, time and money, and problem solving. In addition, strong emphasis is placed upon the teaching of addition and subtraction facts.

Technology Our first graders utilize the SMART board and iPads to develop word processing skills and to enhance reading, writing, and math skills.

Science Life cycles utilizing butterflies, earth materials, and living systems are among the topics studied in science. These subjects are integrated into the curriculum and thus reinforce math, reading and written language.

Social Studies Two themes are stressed in first grade social studies: Families and Friends. 

The students attend physical education classes twice a week. They also enjoy music twice a week and media once a week. Art is integrated into every subject.