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Scandia Elementary: an IB World School!

Scandia Elementary was awarded full authorization as an Primary Years Program of the International Baccalaureate on January 9, 2015. The Learner Profile, (see below), integrates subject matter through six transdisciplinary themes, and the teaching of a foreign language. International Baccalaureate requires that any school with an IB program needs to have a coordinator to assist teachers with the IB development. Mrs. Lyn Pego is our PYP Coordinator, and she works closely with our IB Leadership Team composed of teachers from each grade level and specializations. This team of educators has been critical to the development of the IB Primary Years Program at Scandia and will continue to sustain and grow the program. IB will send an evaluation team in four years to monitor how well we have been building the IB Primary Years Program at Scandia. The International Baccalaureate has:

  • One Mission
  • 3 challenging programs
  • 2,200 IB World Schools in 125 countries
  • 50,000 teachers
  • 500,000 students ages 3-19 years

The elementary program is called the Primary Years Program (PYP). It focuses on developing the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in the world. Students in this 21st century need to learn how to be active citizens in an interconnected world that is constantly changing and developing. In order to develop students who are "international-minded" IB develops in students the characteristics of the "Learner Profile":

  • Inquirers: students who actively enjoy learning; developing the child's natural curiosity
  • Knowledgeable: students acquire in-depth knowledge across a balanced curriculum
  • Thinkers: students who apply critical and creative approaches to problems
  • Communicators: students understand and express ideas and information in a variety of ways and in more than one language
  • Principled: students who act with honesty, fairness, and with respect
  • Open-Minded: students who understand and appreciate their own culture and are open to the perspectives of others
  • Caring: students who show empathy and compassion
  • Risk-Takers: students who face new situations with courage and forethought
  • Balanced: students who understand that there should be a balance between their intellectual, physical, and emotional well being
  • Reflective: students who are able to look back on their work and behavior in order to plan for the future

To learn more about International Baccalaureate, visit these websites:

  • Want more information on IB? Click on "The ABC's of IB" in the left column. It will tell you the basics on what we do with the IB program at Scandia IB World School!

    Each grade level's Program of Inquiry is listed on the grade level page. Visit our grade level pages by clicking on the links to the left.

    PYP Parent Handbook